SENCON Innovation Consulting




Only around 25% of companies think they are innovative. Innovation is hard. And it will get more challenging. Even the smartest innovators are required to identify true innovation capabilities.



Developing and implementing innovative ideas requires an innovation strategy that is aligned with your business goals, yet flexible enough to adapt to changing market conditions.



SENCON helps customers establish innovation awareness that can be successful today and in the future.



In order to avoid the pitfalls of innovation-driven corporate management, a strategy-led, success-oriented approach is required.

About us

With more than 25 years of experience, more than 1000 consulting cases in more than 550 companies, SENCON stands for strategy consulting, business transformation and true innovation. Not just words. But truely delivered.


Get in touch with SENCON to find out how we can support you in reaching your goals and better understand the real challenges of tomorrow. The future will be driven by digital technology. It is time to deal with it now.